Accountfully Life

DIG South Recap



Last month we attended—and sponsored—DIG South, one of our favorite annual events. This year’s theme, “Breakthrough,” hit particularly close to home. The concept of breaking through is something we regularly unpack and discuss with our clients, but while every scenario looks totally different, each one is universally challenging.

We begin engagements by defining what a breakthrough means to our clients. From there, we provide a plan with the necessary support and guidance to do just that. Whether it’s offering council on how to outsource their marketing department so they can focus on launching a new product or helping them reassess job costs to increase profitability, we are a strategic advisor and guide for clients.

DIG South was a great reminder that business owners are more likely to break through when supported by a dedicated team. While we’re taking a lot away from our time at DIG South, here are the top three takeaways:

Mentorship Is Important

Mentorship is a vital, yet under appreciated, part of business ownership. No one should be out there doing it alone and wondering if they’re doing it right. Find a mentor who will be a sounding board and help you navigate the uncharted waters of running a business. Leverage your mentor’s experiences (both good and bad), cast a wide net and have multiple mentors for different areas of expertise, and pay it forward by being a mentor to someone else.

Celebrate Differences

No two businesses are the same, which is why you should recognize that yours has unique needs. Being a digital agency doesn’t mean you’ll have the same pain points as a competitor. There isn’t a one-solution-fits-all scenario when it comes to growing your business. Collaborate with people who can help identify accelerators that will get your business to the next level.

Expertise is Invaluable

Don’t run your business blindly—delegate tasks that fall outside your skillset. Outsourcing is a strategic decision that will not only save time and money, it puts your business on track for success and ultimately growth. Need a new website? Don’t DIY it. Want to open a second location? Don’t cross your fingers and hope your cash flow will support it. Talk to experts. Form a partnership. Make better decisions.

We had a blast at DIG South. Not only were the happy hours and networking events attended by smart and interesting people, on stage were inspired minds and innovative thinkers who sent us home fired up to serve our clients. We can’t wait for next year. Take a peek here at some of the photos Adam Chandler Photography took of this year's event. 

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